Hi. Is it possible to get the default value of an ...
# compiler
Hi. Is it possible to get the default value of an
? I’ve tried
but it always returns null.
Where do you access this property? Or more specific in what extension / compiler phase?
I tried do reproduce it. So I checked the default values of some function parameters when visiting the functions in
in an
but it just worked.
Hi MerlinTHS, thanks for the reply. I implemented it with the same path as you, I'll try again. 🙏
Hi @MerlinTHS. I have a function like this.
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public fun Success(text: String = "SUCCESS") {
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
        contentAlignment = Alignment.Center,
    ) {
        Text(text = text)
implementation looks like this.
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internal class SugarIrVisitor(
    private val logger: Logger,
    private val addSugarIrData: (data: SugarIrData) -> Unit,
) : IrElementVisitorVoid {
    override fun visitModuleFragment(declaration: IrModuleFragment) {
        declaration.files.forEach { file ->
            file.accept(this, null)

    override fun visitFile(declaration: IrFile) {
        declaration.declarations.forEach { item ->
            item.accept(this, null)

    override fun visitSimpleFunction(declaration: IrSimpleFunction) {
        if (declaration.name.asString() == "Success") {
            val defaultValue = declaration.valueParameters.first().defaultValue!!
            logger.warn("Success function was copied")
            addSugarIrData(SugarIrData(defaultValue = defaultValue))
But I get an NPE at
val defaultValue = declaration.valueParameters.first().defaultValue!!
. Where did I go wrong in my
Oh.. in this case, “SUCCESS” default value is not an
but an
? Then it makes sense that an NPE occurred (
is of type
is of type
. You can find the actual expression you’re passing into it ( which in this case is of type
) in the
property of the
. Can you make sure, that the accessed parameter is actually one you declared in the original signature and not something the Compose Compiler Plugin generates in its lowerings like
? Something like:
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fun List<IrValueParameter>.filterGenerated() =
    filterNot { it.name.asString().startsWith("$") }
Thanks for the detailed explanation. I changed the code to this, but all defaultValues are output as null.
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override fun visitSimpleFunction(declaration: IrSimpleFunction) {
    if (declaration.name.asString() == "Success") {
        declaration.valueParameters.forEach { param ->
            logger.warn("name: ${param.name.asString()}, defaultValue: ${param.defaultValue}")
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public fun Success(text: String = "SUCCESS", really: Boolean = true) {
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
        contentAlignment = Alignment.Center,
    ) {
        Text(text = text + really.toString())
Oh... I replaced the function with a normal function and it works fine. Is this a bug in the Compose Compiler?
The Compose Plugin transforms the function to be recomposable. I don't know what's the exact purpose of removing the default values from the original parameter but for sure they aren't lost - only integrated in Composes recomposition system.
That’s right, defaultValue works fine in Compose. I’ll investigate further why the defaultValue of the Composable function is showing as null. Thanks.
Maybe someone in this channel knows more about how Compose handles default parameters - feel free to ask. Another possible approach would be visiting the `defaultValue`s before Compose lowers them.
You can find more information about how and why Compose lowers this kind of stuff in a comment in one of its main transformers ( https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/support/+/refs/heads/androidx-main/compose/compiler/compiler-hosted/src/main/java/androidx/compose/compiler/plugins/kotlin/lower/ComposableFunctionBodyTransformer.kt )
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Default Arguments
* =================
* Composable functions need to have the default expressions executed inside of the group of the
* function. In order to accomplish this, composable functions handle default arguments
* themselves, instead of using the default handling of kotlin. This is also a win because we can
* handle the default arguments without generating an additional function since we do not need to
* worry about callers from java. Generally speaking though, compose handles default arguments
* similarly to kotlin in that we generate a $default bitmask parameter which maps each parameter
* index to a bit on the int. A value of "1" for a given parameter index indicated that that
* value was *not* provided at the callsite, and the default expression should be used instead.
*     @Composable fun A(x: Int = 0) {
    *       f(x)
    *     }
* gets transformed into
*     @Composable fun A(x: Int, $default: Int) {
    *       val x = if ($default and 0b1 != 0) 0 else x
    *       f(x)
    *     }
* Note: This transform requires [ComposerParamTransformer] to also be run in order to work
* properly.
Another possible approach would be visiting the `defaultValue`s before Compose lowers them.
I want to try that way. Can I adjust the order of application of the Compiler Plugin? (Maybe FIR? (First Intermediate Representation)… actually I don’t know what FIR is. 😅)
So accessing the default parameters after Compose has lowered them means to take a look at the body.
Oh yeah... I remember seeing something about that when I was studying the internals of the Compose compiler. It’s been a while since I studied the internals, so I forgot about it for a while.
Thanks for the reference link.
FIR means "Frontend Intermediate Representation". This channel already contains a lots of information about the new frontend ( which uses FIR ). If you have more questions about it, I would recommend to ask someone actually working at the new frontend ( like @dmitriy.novozhilov).
WOW... Thanks again. I’ve been trying to figure out what the F stood for, and it’s Frontend!
Maybe it's enough to register your extension point ( I think it was
) with one of the predefined loading orders ( FIRST ).
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public final class LoadingOrder {
    public static final LoadingOrder ANY = new LoadingOrder();
    public static final LoadingOrder FIRST = new LoadingOrder("first");
    public static final LoadingOrder LAST = new LoadingOrder("last");

To do that, you have to use the old and deprecated
. It allows you to access the
( which I think was the reason to deprecate it ) where you can specify the order when registering an extension.
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class YourComponentRegistrar : ComponentRegistrar {
    override val supportsK2: Boolean
        get() = false // Except you're using FIR

    override fun registerProjectComponents(
        project: MockProject,
        configuration: CompilerConfiguration
    ) {
            .registerExtension(YourIrGenerationExtension(), LoadingOrder.FIRST, project)
Oh thanks! I’ll try again.
It works! Thank you so much. If I were closer, I’d treat you to a meal. Have a great day! 🙇‍♂️