How can I render Japanesse or Chinese fonts in CfW...
# compose-web
How can I render Japanesse or Chinese fonts in CfW compose? you can see the attached pic, it should say 【Spirits】-『如果這是無法反抗的命運的話 我會為了你而活下去』
Does your font support those characters?
I have not added any by myself.
on Android I would load them from resources, but how it will work on JS?
Can you make a simple HTML page with the included font and test the characters? Then you know if the font supports it or if it is a CfW issue
General TTF loading and rendering works [code] so this should be a typeface issue?
@Giorgi I added a Chinese font rendering example here [code]. 👈 And yes, it's really just a case of loading a suitable font. It turns out TTF files with full Chinese character sets in them are not small (this one is a bit fancy at 10MB, but even plainer glyphs are around 8MB)
Thanks a lot for the example. There is even a Kotlin waifu.... K
very nice
Prepare yourself... #anime 😂
Seems the code link above is broken (404)?
@Chris Sinco [G] Whoops - it's back up