I'm trying to pass a lamda down into my composable...
# compose
I'm trying to pass a lamda down into my composable. The lambda will be null or not depending on some snapshot state. It doesn't seem to work correctly (inside the composable, its not null when it should be null)
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val buttonClick: (() -> Unit)? =
    if (state.value?.foo == null) {
    } else {
        { //some lambda content }

MyComposable(clickEvent = buttonClick)
Do I need to wrap this in a remember or something?
actually. seems to work fine. AS was loading an old build apparently. yay
this may be a place where you could use
TIL rememberUpdatedState exists! I'll see if that helps me at all.
You dont need rememberupdatedstate for correctness, altought you could use remember+derivedstate if performance is an issue
You dont need rememberupdatedstate for correctness
You may very well need
for correctness. In some cases you may be referencing the old lambda if you don’t key properly or don’t use rememberUpdatedState. It can be seen in as simple of an example as this (from a case where I had to do this myself):
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fun Foo(lambda: () -> Unit) {
  Box() {
      Modifier.pointerInput(Unit) {
        detectTapGestures { 
If you don’t change this to this
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fun Foo(lambda: () -> Unit) {
  val updatedLambda = rememberUpdatedState(lambda)
  Box() {
      Modifier.pointerInput(Unit) {
        detectTapGestures { 
you will be calling the lambda passed on the first composition to Foo, and not the most updated one.
@Stylianos Gakis The root cause in your case was the use of Unit as the key parameter for
Modifier. In Material UI element implementations usually the lambda is the key that will be called inside the modifier to prevent using the old lambda reference. Your solution using
however is more performant as it is not triggering recomposition of the element on which pointerInput is used, so if you change your lambda frequently it might be a better solution. Not sure if not using the lambda for the pointerInput Modifier could lead to “incorrect” behaviour tho 🤔
Yes, I am aware, hence why I said “if you don’t key properly”. And especially in this case for pointerInput, you may need to do this for more than performance reasons. If inside your pointerInput lambda, you are detecting long-press gestures. If after pressing down, but before releasing, your lambda changes, and the entire pointerInput lambda gets recreated, my guess is that it’d cancel the old coroutine, hence lose the information about the start of this long press and you’d miss this interaction. With rememberUpdatedState you are avoiding this problem too. (Which I didn’t test tbh, but I think that it’d be a problem for the reasons I explain)
Yeah, that might be true. So many things to keep in mind 🤯