The documentation for <data-driven-testing> fails ...
# kotest
The documentation for data-driven-testing fails to mention that
is only available in a container scope, so If a user tries to experiment using a
, they will be met with a compilation error and left puzzled, as it just happened to me 😄
Once we get to Kotest 6, StringSpec will be deprecated as FreeSpec will do it all.
StringSpec will stay as an alias to FreeSpec
Ok good to know. But I think the documentation problem will remain. Even using FreeSpec I can write this:
Copy code
class DataDrivenTest : FreeSpec({
    "parametric test" {
        withData(/*values*/) { ... ->
            // test code
now the class compiles but I get a runtime error:
Cannot add a root test after the spec has been instantiated:
which isn't very clear to be honest. Still, the docs fail to explain that you need to be inside a container scope to use withData(). And this applies to all the styles, that have both container and terminal scopes. Yes, the provided example shows that FunSpec's
is used, but I believe it may not be immediately evident for library users, especially when starting out, and it should be explained in the docs.
I'll clarify the docs when I have a chance
Thank you, just wanted to let you know, to benefit all library users. I love Kotest, thanks for your outstanding work!
Thank you 🙂
well, no sh*t... 🙂 I should really thank that monkey for providing a solution! The point here is not that I didn't know how to fix it, but the documentation not being clear about where
can be used. Luckily the documentation has been amended now.
The documentation still isn't clear enough, at least not for a monkey like me 🙈
Also this monkey didn't realize that I posted your own answer to you 😄
I agree that talking only about container or leaf scopes without any prior example is not very clear
Just tried to spread the joy when finally figured this out blob joy
that I posted your own answer to you
yeah, that was my joke, as a monkey
we are all monkeys
this monkey clearly needs more coffee, though (or less)
⬅️ I'm definitely more than others, look at my propic
awkward monkey 1