hey guys, does anyone know why does the navigation...
# compose
hey guys, does anyone know why does the navigation compose doesn’t add the necessary things to restore the state, it looks to me like a bug
Current destination Destination(0x40604f56) route=HomeScreenDestination with arguments Bundle[{hideBottomNav=false}]
Current destination Destination(0xe18b7de3) route=RecentsDestination with arguments Bundle[{android-support-nav:controller:deepLinkIntent=Intent { dat=<android-app://androidx.navigation/RecentsDestination> }, hideBottomNav=false}]
Both HomeScreenDestination and RecentsDestination are on the bottom navigation component Whenever I go from Recents to Home
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Restore State failed: destination 1080053590 cannot be found from the current destination Destination(0xe18b7de3) route=RecentsDestination
as I can see
is missing
{android-support-nav:controller:deepLinkIntent=Intent { dat=<android-app://androidx.navigation/HomeScreenDestination> }
, this happens on the very first destination that’s being added as a nested navigation Repo