:red_circle: Yesterday went really well and we had...
# feed
🔴 Yesterday went really well and we had a lot of fun with quite an interactive Q&A, so I'm back for another session of casual Ktor+Coroutines dev at https://twitch.tv/sebi_io. Come hang out, say hi, and ask any kind of Kotlin questions to a Kotlin Dev Advocate if you have any! I'm very good at getting sidetracked, so it's the perfect setting for whatever Kotlin things you have on your mind!
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Twitch n00b here. All your videos seem to be clipped, can’t the full one be displayed? https://www.twitch.tv/sebi_io/clip/ClearPrettyFungusOpieOP-TWHSpBjDVKWUZy0y
Hey – yeah, VODs are currently not available. I can probably look into making them available down the line, but right now I just wanted to give people to come around and hang out 😄 If there's a demand for it, it can obviously be reconsidered.
That would be great - otherwise we can only see the live one, right?
Gotcha. Seems you're not the only one, so when I have some free time I'll look into how that actually works. I will warn you though, the information density varies greatly (as is the usual case with livestreams) – I'd hope people get the most value out of actually tuning in live 😄 Other than that, it's me tinkering, raw and unfiltered 🤠
Fair enough. My only concern is that I (and I assume others) barely have predictable time, so I typically watch streams when I have some time off.
That is valid. I'll look into how to set that up!
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