Hello I have written an Android app with Kotlin Mu...
# multiplatform
Hello I have written an Android app with Kotlin Multiplatform project structure(there's common code,iOS module,android module). App is written in Jetpack Compose. How can I run this project in iOS? if you can recommend some articles it would be great. Also would this app be good enough for production?
I run it from xcode. Before, I always do a clean / podbuildxcframework from the Android Studio gradle tasks panel, but only one time. After that initial steps, anytime I made changes either in kotlin or swift I just run the play button in xcode
I am afraid I wrote the question a bit wrong. I want to run Android Compose code on iOS. currently iOS module is empty
If you plan to reuse the ui, it means you are going
compose multiplatform
, for that there are some official experimental templates
is there any articles? I want to understand how it all works
https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform/tree/master/experimental%2Fexamples clone the one you like the most and start playing with it
is Google compose different from Jetbrains compose?
There are a couple other good templates, go to jetbrains account in GitHub and filter for templates, they just created a couple compose-multiplatform ones
The API is 99.9% similar.
The .1% is basically functionality specific to Android. Like interoperability between pointerInput events and Android touch events. Some classes/functions that you may see in Android compose but are missing in the jetbrains port. Really minimal cases, in my experience.
Things like that. But is the same compose just compiled/built for different platforms.
Thank you very much