:new: Description of the channel Discussions of g...
# compose
🆕 Description of the channel Discussions of general Compose topics that are not related to any particular platform: • The common Compose API or Compose libraries that don’t depend on a platform API (android., java.swing., platform.uikit, etc.). • Compose design principles. • General tooling for Compose development (Compose Compiler, IDEs, Gradle). • Writing cross-platform Compose applications (Android + Wear OS, Android + iOS, Desktop + Web, etc.). If a discussion is related to a single platform, it is better to use the relevant platform-specific channel (see bookmarks for the list of channels). If you want to call attention to an issue, please report it in the issue tracker of the project you are using. If you want to ask a question and think that it could be posted on StackOverflow, consider posting it there to make the question more discoverable for other people. Please use relevant tags [compose], [android-jetpack-compose]. Jetpack Compose ✏️ Project page 🐞 Issue tracker 🎁 Releases Compose Multiplatform ✏️ Project page 🐞 Issue tracker 🎁 Releases