How can i hold a function with signature `Flow<...
# flow
How can i hold a function with signature
Flow<T> -> U
in a hashmap ? (As the value - key can be string/int)
smth like this
Copy code
val map = HashMap<String, (Flow<Int>) -> Unit>()
and then
Copy code
map["test"] = { flow -> Unit }
Not int and unit though - it can be any type..
Does this work?
Copy code
val map = HashMap<String, (Flow<Any>) -> Unit>()
Yes it does But i need the type around so that i can decode a json string to that type (T - which can be anything) and then invoke the handler with that type
Have you looked into the
keyword? I’m not super strong with it, but perhaps it could help… (may need to scroll up as the docs just above that have quite a bit of context/introduction)
Yes - not sure if it will help I will go through the doc again thanks
can you elaborate your usecase? It's impossible to just declare
(it's not a flow problem, you can't also declare a
val property: T
). It's impossible to parametrize a property, usually you parametrize either class or function. If you did that - you will be able to just declare it with
instead of Unit). Otherwise you have to write
val map = HashMap<String, (Flow<Any>) -> Any>()
as mentioned above and do an unchecked cast
Yes you are right. It is not really a flow problem I want to hold a list of handlers that can take in user defined input types (could be string or int or a class) Then at some later point i want to take input from somewhere else, convert it to the right type as expected by the handler and then invoke that handler So if 1 handler was string and 1 was double - and at some later point i get input 88 - i will invoke the first handler with "88" and the other with 88.0
@bezrukov any idea?