Hi, is there a more compact way to destructure the...
# getting-started
Hi, is there a more compact way to destructure the four coordinates?
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val (upper, left) = boundingBox.upperLeft
val (lower, right) = boundingBox.lowerRight
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inside of BoundingBox you could define
and have them return the individual BigDecimals
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I don’t think there is any nested destructuring in kotlin
😢 1
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data class BoundingBox(val upperLeft: Coord, val lowerRight: Coord) {
    operator fun component1() = upperLeft.lat
    operator fun component2() = upperLeft.lng
    operator fun component3() = lowerRight.lat
    operator fun component4() = lowerRight.lng
Edit: this throws an error because
and 2 are overloaded
Yes, thanks, looked for nested destructuring, but if there is nothing like that I won't search for it in vain.
It seems Kotlin only supports Tuple up to 3. So you could create some "helpers" to support Tuples of 4:
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data class NTuple2<T1, T2>(val t1: T1, val t2: T2)

data class NTuple3<T1, T2, T3>(val t1: T1, val t2: T2, val t3: T3)

data class NTuple4<T1, T2, T3, T4>(val t1: T1, val t2: T2, val t3: T3, val t4: T4)

infix fun <T1, T2> T1.then(t2: T2): NTuple2<T1, T2> {
    return NTuple2(this, t2)

infix fun <T1, T2, T3> NTuple2<T1, T2>.then(t3: T3): NTuple3<T1, T2, T3> {
    return NTuple3(this.t1, this.t2, t3)

infix fun <T1, T2, T3, T4> NTuple3<T1, T2, T3>.then(t4: T4): NTuple4<T1, T2, T3, T4> {
    return NTuple4(this.t1, this.t2, this.t3, t4)
And its constructors. Then you could do something like:
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val (upper, left, lower, right) =
        boundingBox.upperLeft.lat then
            boundingBox.upperLeft.lng then
            boundingBox.lowerRight.lat then
🤔 I think it could work
You can use an inline class to wrap the data class and expose alternative component operators as required:
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data class Coord(val latitude: Double, val longitude: Double)
data class Area(val upperLeft: Coord, val lowerRight: Coord)

value class AreaCoordinates(val area: Area) {
    operator fun component1() = area.upperLeft.latitude
    operator fun component2() = area.upperLeft.longitude
    operator fun component3() = area.lowerRight.latitude
    operator fun component4() = area.lowerRight.longitude

fun Area.coordinates() = AreaCoordinates(this)

fun main() {
    val (a, b, c, d) = Area(Coord(12.34, 56.78), Coord(-56.78, -123.4)).coordinates()
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Is it conventional to order the four edges in the specific sequence (upper, left, lower, right)? If so, then it's ok to use componentN. Otherwise, I would stick to property names instead.
There is no standardised convention I'm aware of, but generally it's the order one would expect. Also if kotlin supported nested destructuring, then you would have the same order with
((a, b), (c, d))