is there any pattern in actions-typing or github-w...
# github-workflows-kt
is there any pattern in actions-typing or github-workflows-kt for modelling this kind of structured input? i would like to write builders that assemble this list of values with type safety ideally but … i see no way to neatly integrate that and scope it to just this action type..
no, it’s not supported. All you can do for now is to build your little side DSL and ask people to use it when building
it would map to a list of pairs or a list of maps right?
but how can i turn
Copy code
tags = listOf(...)
into eg.
Copy code
tags = buildTags {}
without this polluting the namespace ? and if i were to contribute such helper functions… how can they be made discoverable ?
without this polluting the namespace ?
I don’t have a solution for it now, sorry
generally so far I decided to not complicate the typings too much because the interest in adopting whatever already exists is pretty low
so I’m on pause with developing this
feel free to create a feature request in the DSL lib to be able to somehow provide type-safe builders for some inputs. The fact that we don’t know how to implement it doesn’t mean that the idea is wrong 🙂
okay, i will spend some time prototyping solutions my goals are to allow alternatives to
tag = listOf<String>()
but… not break the contract of required arguments… that would not increase typesafety
we had a similar discussion with @Vampire related to passing something more type-safe to inputs, but in a context of what expressions can return. This problem seems to be a piece in a bigger puzzle. Denotable union types would be an elegant way of addressing both, for your problem we could have something like
List<String> <or> SomeTypeSafeMarkerInterface
, and the IDE could help discover functions that return the latter