Hello all, I have a gradle question regarding kotl...
# multiplatform
Hello all, I have a gradle question regarding kotlin sourceSets. I normally see definitions like
val commonMain by getting
, but in a compose template they’ve used
. Is one method preferred over the other? I notice that with the first approach, there is an
warning, is that a reason to not use by getting?
they are equivalent. https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/kotlin_dsl.html#using_kotlin_delegated_properties If the source set is created outside of the build script you are configuring you can also use the generated Kotlin DSL accessor
Copy code
kotlin {
  sourceSets {
    commonMain { // generated DSL accessor
It can be convenient to use the delegated property when you want to re-use the variable, for example, creating a hierarchy
Copy code
sourceSets {
         val commonMain by getting {}
         val commonTest by getting {}

         val nativeMain by creating { dependsOn(commonMain) }
         val nativeTest by creating { dependsOn(commonTest) }
But yes, the ‘unused variable’ warning is annoying
cool thanks! So is
by getting
the recommended approach for multiplatform sourcesets?
no problem! I’m not sure if
by getting
is recommended per se, but it’s certainly more common in the documentation
It doesn't matter. It's more your level of tolerance for the extreme cuteness of the Kotlin DSL or not