:wave: hey, we’ve just released a first preview ve...
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👋 hey, we’ve just released a first preview version of the Sentry Kotlin Multiplatform SDK with support for the JVM, Android and Apple targets https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-kotlin-multiplatform. If you’re already using other Sentry mobile sdks, the KMM sdk might look not that feature-rich, but it should contain all of the core functionality for enriched crash reporting to work. Please let us know if you have any feedback/feature requests through github issues. Cheers!
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I should send props to @Rick Clephas for his work on NsExceptionKt, from which we borrowed some parts. Thanks Rick!
Nice! Great to see official support! 💯
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Really happy to see some official support, thank you!
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Sentry is an exceptional tool that, along with GitHub Actions and SonarCloud, has significantly enhanced my experience as a developer. Gone are the days when I had to spend countless hours manually merging reports in Graylog. Sentry automates the process flawlessly, and I couldn't be happier. As a big fan of well-designed software, I even wear the stylish socks I received at KotlinConf from time to time.
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