I have ```sealed class Bounds<in T : Comparable...
# getting-started
I have
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sealed class Bounds<in T : Comparable<T>> {
    abstract operator fun contains(value: T): Boolean
And I want
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object Unbounded : Bounds<Any?> {
    override fun contains(value: Any?) = true
However, I cannot as
violates the type bound. Is there a way to specify the type to make this work?
Typically this is done with the
annotation — for example the built-in collections do this
Unsafe variance is for violating
. My goal is to specify that
works for any comparable.
You’re right, I misunderstood the question, sorry
👍 1
Apparently this works:
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sealed class Bounds<in T : Comparable<T>> {
    abstract operator fun contains(value: T): Boolean
object Unbounded : Bounds<Comparable<Comparable<*>>>() {
    override fun contains(value: Comparable<Comparable<*>>) = true
🤯 1
👌 1
Not sure why the nested `Comparable`s are needed, but hey it runs at least
Another solution is
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class Unbounded<in T : Comparable<T>> : Bounds<T>() {
    override fun contains(value: T) = true
if you can live with it not being a singleton
I would've expected that
would be a subtype of
Comparable<T> where T: Comparable<T>
but I guess not?
This also works:
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sealed class Bounds<in T : Comparable<T>> {
    abstract operator fun contains(value: T): Boolean
object Unbounded : Bounds<Comparable<Any?>>() {
    override fun contains(value: Comparable<Any?>) = true
Which I think (maybe?) makes more sense. Comparable's T is
, and so
is in reality
, which I think then isn't a subtype of
because it can only accept arguments of type
. Hopefully that makes a bit more sense lol! Generic variance is truly
of this world...
😆 1
@Youssef Shoaib [MOD] Those get rid of the error, but they don't actually work:
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interface B : Comparable<B>
class A(val spec: Bounds<B> = Unbounded)  // Error is now here
@Sam Yeah, that's what I'm currently using, but I was hoping for a singleton solution to match another part of the API more closely.
I think the easiest solution is this:
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sealed class Bounds<in T : Comparable<T>> {
    abstract operator fun contains(value: T): Boolean

object Unbounded : Bounds<Comparable<Any?>>() {
    override fun contains(value: Comparable<Any?>) = true

fun <T: Comparable<T>> unbounded(): Bounds<T> = Unbounded as Bounds<T>

interface B : Comparable<B>

class A(val spec: Bounds<B> = unbounded())
Indeed, that works. Feels a bit hacky, but may be the best option.
late response, but this looks a lot like my range custom range implementation that looks like this for 'unbounded' ranges:
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sealed interface Range<T : Comparable<T>>{
    interface Open<T : Comparable<T>> : Range<T> {
        override fun contains(value: T) = true

internal object OpenRange = Range.Open<Nothing>

fun <T : Comparable<T>> openRange() = Range.OPEN as Open<T>
its akin to how List<T> and emptyList() is used by kotlin self, you only have a cast problem, but you'll have to surpress that. Kotlin itself uses unsafevariance and stuff to surpress the cast warnings. The main takeaway is that unbounded should probably be Nothing, not Any?