Is there a way for custom AuthenticationProvider t...
# ktor
Is there a way for custom AuthenticationProvider to access the body of the request (for hash computation)?
I found the plugin DoubleReceive, but I would rather avoid it. Is there perhaps some hook deeper/earlier in the pipepiline I could use to calculate the hash and pass it into 'call.attributes' for the latter stages?
Do you want to calculate hash of a request based on its body too?
What do you mean based on its body?
If the request has a body, I need to calculate its md5 digest so I could use this value as part of Hmac calculation
The problem is that the body of a request can be read only once. So it doesn’t matter how early you’re receiving it.
plugin solves the problem by reading a whole body and storing it for future reads.
How does ktor handle decompression of request body in the receive pipeline? Could it be possible to add a hook somewhere at that stage (the function would return the body unchanged, ie. identity transform)?
Btw, why is the read only once limitation imposed?
Because it may be inefficient to read a whole body in memory, especially, if it’s a huge one.