Hi, as far as I know there’s no description of whi...
# javascript
Hi, as far as I know there’s no description of which compilers are deprecated or what versions of Kotlin are supported. For example, I want to use command-line compiler, as I understand it is kotlinc or kotlin compiler embeddable, kotlinc seems to support IR, but there’s an open youtrack issue where it’s clear that it doesn’t work, does anyone have an overview of every possible way of using Kotlin/Js and probably plans on getting rid of something ?
Is there any reason why you don't use the Gradle plugin?
I don’t want to use NodeJs or Yarn
How will you manage your dependencies?
Don’t really see a problem, you have index.html and for example js/libs where you store kotlin.js, frontend.js and whatever you want. Or do you mean something else ?
If you want to use a lib like React, you'll have to declare a dependency on it, that's what Yarn is for
Doing this manually will be a lot of work
I don’t want to use React. It’s not really about my case but about different possibilities in general