I have a few functions that would be peffect as ex...
# codereview
I have a few functions that would be peffect as extension functions. BUT they are only relevant in a specific context (feature package) and I do not want to pollute the whole public namespace of their receiver classes. For context: I’m currently using Soong (not Gradle), and I can’t simple create a module for the feature, so
is not an option. What is the best practice for those cases? Currently, I’m considering to introduce a
object Utils
to hold the functions and limit visibility to reduce pollution but I don’t like it. Maybe there is an alternative approach that I’m not aware of.
I’m not sure if there is a way to do that, but if I could create extension functions that do not appear in the auto-complete but could still be used, that should be good enough I guess to reduce pollution… I guess. 🤔
An ugly workaround might be to
it with
setting. It will be deprioritized on suggestions and still usable
FYI, my current solution is: 1. Wrapped all extensions in an object. IDEA shows it as last in the auto-complete, it seems. 2. Added an
annotation as an error so people at least is warned if they try to use it.
if you can modify the build system to add the right
to the compiler args of dependent modules, you can use