A few people asked about the initial tasks they co...
# gsoc
A few people asked about the initial tasks they could try before applying to "Improve support for parameter forwarding in the Kotlin plugin for IntelliJ IDEA" I have a few suggestions: 1. Get a bit familiar with Jetpack Compose. Try writing simple GUI apps using Jetpack Compose. This way you will better understand the problems that we have in the Jetpack Compose tooling world 2. If you want to get familiar with IJ-Platform-SDK then the best way is by fixing simple bugs in Kotlin plugin. For this purpose, we have
Up For Grabs
tag in YouTrack: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues?q=%23KTIJ%20tag:%20%7BUp%20For%20Grabs%7D%20%23Unresolved%20 Once you start working on the `Up For Grabs issue, it's better to mention it in the comments section, to make sure that you don't overlap with other external contributors. You can also read the docs we have about IJ-Platform-SDK https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/welcome.html And I want to emphasize that knowledge of Jetpack Compose and IJ-Platform-SDK is absolutely optional for the purpose of application.
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