I'm writing Playwright tests with Kotlin and I def...
# getting-started
I'm writing Playwright tests with Kotlin and I define the Browser and the Page in my BaseTest class to be created before each test. Like this
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open class BaseTest {

    lateinit var browser: Browser
    lateinit var page: Page

    fun setUp() {
        browser = Playwright.create().chromium().launch()
        page = browser.newPage()
But I don't like to use a mutable
lateinit var
modifiers. How can I turn these two into immutable variables? Using
? But then the variable will be initialized only once.
Immutable always implies initialized only once. For tests I normally just tolerate
variables, even though I wouldn’t use them elsewhere. But an alternative would be to use a higher-order-function to do the test setup, something like this:
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class TestSuite {
    private fun withPage(block: (Page) -> Unit) {
        val browser = Playwright.create().chromium().launch()
        val page = browser.newPage()
    fun myTest() = withPage { page ->
functional programming 2
đź‘Ś 2
Thank you! Looks interesting. I will consider this!