With the recent change for the <#CJLTWPH7S|compose...
# meta
With the recent change for the #compose channels (https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/CJLTWPH7S/p1678882768039969), any chance #ktor could get the same treatment? I’d think that breaking it out into #ktor-server and #ktor-client would make it much easier to search and find relevant info, which is difficult now given that the use-cases for the two technologies are completely different but have similar names. For example, with a search for “serialization”, the results are not immediately obvious whether they refer to the server or the client. And #ktor can be left for issues that are specific to integrating both the client and server together, or on the common libraries shared by them both.
I disagree. #ktor is not that active, and a lot of questions are "how to do […] for both client and server".
Hey @Casey Brooks! Thanks for sharing the idea. Let me look into it.