Just to make sure I understand- things like `andro...
# compose-desktop
Just to make sure I understand- things like
are only android libraries and cannot be used in MPP? Is there anyway to determine whether an artifact being used as a dependency only targets a single platform?
Compose Multiplatform is behind of Jetpack Compose by 1/1.5 month usually. We are going to release Compose Multiplatform 1.4 in April
oh wow, so there is eventual consistency across the Android specific libraries and then the multiplatform libraries? That's neat, thanks Nikita!
There is a correspondence between Compose Multiplatform libraries and JetPack Compose libraries: https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform/releases/tag/v1.3.1 By default Compose Multiplatform Gradle plugin uses this correspondence to add JetPack Compose dependencies to Android source set. However you may configure dependencies for Android source set independently. This way the CMP Gradle plugin will use the greatest version for Android source set.