Hello everyone, i recently finish my second projec...
# compose-ui-showcase
Hello everyone, i recently finish my second project: cXc. And now you can check it on github. This one is actually a challenge for me. Because i use camera x library with jetpack compose and it really challenged me. Lot of improvements needed and i’m going to do it in time but now it’s like alpha version with basic features. Here you can check it out: https://github.com/armutyus/cameraxproject
👍 3
What were the biggest challenges for you?
Dealing with images and videos actually. Because a lot of details under those things. It is not just building system and writing codes then seeing that working. Offsets, changing bitmap to jpg and vice versa, zooming, rotating, filters, matrix and the list goes on.. Still not fully works as i want but try to understand more and hopefully i could improve my media skills 😄
camera in surprisingly hard, isn't it?
Yeah, but in my opinion working on images/videos even harder. Couldn't completely understand somethings.