:wave: Hello there, I'm looking at the new `Apollo...
# apollo-kotlin
👋 Hello there, I'm looking at the new
and I can't quite wrap my head around why it works for example for watched
queries. From what I see, when the idling resource it's added as an interceptor, it'll lock the idling resource as long as the downstream flow is active. It's explicitly disabled for subscriptions, but not for queries — aren't watched queries always active as well? Source: https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-kotlin/blob/99126fdf4ebf7330a3dab7a3d7fc1f[…]/java/com/apollographql/apollo3/android/ApolloIdlingResource.kt
Could this have to do with the order of declaration of the interceptors? Do you configure the idling resource after the cache?
on a related note, a heads-up that we've actually removed the idling resource from the next major version 🙂 A little bit of context is here but the gist of it is that they no longer seems to be much favored by the community / Android team.
Oh, I forgot it's gonna be removed! About the order — I don't know frankly, I just started migrating and was considering how/where to add it, and the docs suggested doing it at the beginning
So figured I'd ask before putting effort into implementation because maybe idling resource is only supported for executes/mutations