Hi, I'm having trouble using EitherCallAdapterFact...
# arrow
Hi, I'm having trouble using EitherCallAdapterFactory when minifying. Do I have to add any extra R8/Proguard rules?
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    suspend fun signIn(
        @Body request: SignInApiRequest,
    ): Either<CallError, SimpleCallApiResponse<SignInApiResponse>>
Doesn't seem like a proguard issue. Looks like the extra generic (SimpleApiResponse) is the issue
AFIK it doesn't need extra rules other than whatever retrofit requires
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data class SimpleCallApiResponse<T>(
    @SerialName("data") val data: T,
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data class SignInApiResponse(
    @SerialName("accessToken") val accessToken: String,
    @SerialName("refreshToken") val refreshToken: String,
if I remove Either from response, it's work correctly
Could you try the other way, creating a specific type (without generics) for the response
I have the same problem with this response
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data class TestResponse(
    @SerialName("data") val data: SignInApiResponse,
it's working if i add this rule
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-keep class arrow.core.Either** {*;}
hm... that's strange.... the adapter doesn't use reflection AFIK