Hi folks, I'm considering making the library stabl...
# github-workflows-kt
Hi folks, I'm considering making the library stable (1.0) soon-ish. Because I expect some increase of interest in using the library, I'd like to ensure that there's proper support for the library e. g. even if I'm not able to react to some bugs that need immediate attention. That's why I'm looking for a co-owner/co-Maintainer I can count on 😄 please let me know if you'd like to become one
@jmfayard @Vampire @LeoColman @Adam S @Nikky - mentioning you since you are the most prominent contributors 🚀
If you want to discuss concrete areas of responsibility, I'm open for that. I just don't want to be a single point of failure and provide high-quality support for the lib going forward
I'm sorry, but I already have many topics / projects where I'm too involved without enough time to spend to all the time they deserve. Not a good idea to add another one, sorry.
Sure thing, totally understand. Thanks for the response!
Cool! I like to write documentation, improve test coverage and simplify new contributions. I am very good on closing quickies, but long tickets get boring to me too quickly. If you think there's place for this kind of contribution, we can do something 😄
thanks for asking @Piotr Krzemiński! I don’t think I’d be able to help out much since I don’t actually use the library yet 😅 (I’ve been meaning to look at it again since there was that PR to try and improve useability from Gradle, which makes more sense to me than .kts files). Of course you can ping me if you need help with the Gradle config again. I definitely think it’s a good idea to try and get some backup planned ahead of time, rather than waiting for an emergency…
Sure thing, totally understand. Thanks for the response!
Btw. actually, if you want to give me some powers to have me as emergency backup, that's totally fine with me. I mainly meant, that I'm not going to do active regular maintenance or support due to lack of time. But I have always an open ear and a helping hand as you might have recognized. 😄
yeah, I meant such kind of emergency backup, you know the library as well so in case I’m on vacation and the library gets insanely popular… 👀 😄