Hi just new to using `Decompose` and simply just c...
# decompose
Hi just new to using
and simply just checking it out for our usecase. I am having trouble understanding how to setup the navigation. If I have multiple screen: Login | ---> Dashboard | ---> SignUp | ---> Create Password | ---> Dashboard Do I just declare it as a Single Stack Navigation:
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sealed class Child {
    class Login() : Child()
    class SignUp() : Child()
    class CreatePassword() : Child()
    class Dashboard() : Child()
My other question is how does
fit into this if I need some Dialog PopUps?
So your app has two states - logged in and logged out. If logged in, then the dashboard is shown. If logged out, then - either login or sign-up. Is it correct? How Create Password fits in the sign-up flow?
create password is part of the logged out flow.. just really confuse on how to structure them.. Is it correct to have RootComponent to have a NavigationStack And Login Also have a NavigationStack?
No problem! You can watch my talk, that uses exactly this use case as an example - https://www.droidcon.com/2022/11/14/decompose-your-kotlin-multiplatform-project-into-feature-modules-london22/
If there are any questions, don't hesitate to ask
Thanks @Arkadii Ivanov, I think I’m getting a hang of it. There are still things I’m not sure about. Maybe I’ll follow up here some questions. But thanks for the resources.