<@U015TKX93PD> - how frequently does <https://gith...
# compose-desktop
@Igor Demin - how frequently does https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform-core get synced with the main AndroidX repository? For example, this change from January 6th this year is still not in the latest
build of compose-multiplatform.
Another one is this change from last December that added
and is still not in the latest alpha of compose-multiplatform.
It is synced periodically, mostly before major releases to support latest Compose versions Last time it was synced in January, but “stable” androidx state was used
If it's right before the release, we won't have much time to comment on the new features that are coming from the core distribution (stable or alpha) then, and how well they're integrated into the multiplatform experience.
You are right! It also will take some time for us to even implement these new features. That’s why we are investigating ways how to sync repositories faster and more frequently