Hey guys, I am trying to sign a desktop-compose a...
# compose-desktop
Hey guys, I am trying to sign a desktop-compose app for distribution to Mac AppStore, with testflight configured: I followed this tutorial. And I managed to get my .pkg verified successfully via the Transporter app (first pic). But if i try to install that .pkg, it succeeds but nothing is installed. Is it normal? Also if I try to run the .app file from the /build/compose/binaries/main/app directory it crashes with Code Signature Invalid (second pic) Is it normal? I described the exact steps I performed in this doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR8ZLuLSK06ZypiS3yqXzIttDqqQzOCAoxe0X_-kO3UV0pcc2EUL5qI82jk6jxnrh8y7aVOnsIBVnI9/pub
I was able to add that build to TestFlight, invite myself and install it via test flight but when I try to open it nothing happens...
my gradle properties:
Copy code
used jdk- on MacOS Ventura 13.1