I'm trying out Compose Navigation (so far I've bee...
# compose
I'm trying out Compose Navigation (so far I've been using Fragments with Compose content), and I'm trying to understand how NavHost is supposed to be used when nesting navigation. Let's say I have screens A and B. On Screen A I have a bottom app bar switching between screens C, D, E (that are themselves part of screen A, which contains the navbar itself). So I have a root NavHost with screens A and B, and on screen A I have another NavHost with screens C, D, E. This works fine, but is this the intended solution? Or can I somehow use a single NavHost?
This is not a case where you should be using nested NavHosts, no. Here's the last conversation, with the link to the previous conversation and the one before that too: https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/CJLTWPH7S/p1628603770177000?thread_ts=1628589309.155500&cid=CJLTWPH7S
It was not the right answer for Navigation with Fragments for this case either, FWIW
Thank you, so following the links to here: https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/CJLTWPH7S/p1627490432392100?thread_ts=1627477759.324500&cid=CJLTWPH7S If I understand this correctly, I should not have a screen A for the navbar, instead just one NavHost with screens B, C, D, E, and the navbar in a root-level composable with visibility only showing when screens C, D or E are the current screen. Is that the idea?
that's the idea at the moment, yep. Even in a future world where shared elements exist, you still would only want a single NavHost: https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/CJLTWPH7S/p1657131291210089?thread_ts=1657125808.017769&cid=CJLTWPH7S
That's some useful conversations you linked, thanks.