I've just tried to upgrade from 1.1.6-alpha.49 to ...
# arrow
I've just tried to upgrade from 1.1.6-alpha.49 to 1.1.6-alpha.70 and there are compilation errors on
calls like: None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied. I just can't figure out what change between these version that causes the problem... Thanks.
Hey @Norbi, Can you perhaps share a snippet? We've simplified some of the functions, but it should not result in any issues 🤔
The signature didn't change, but the parameter names. Sorry this was indeed breaking in the
, we had some inconsistencies in the parameter names and we aligned them. So if you're using named parameters for the lambdas you need to update accordingly.
Copy code
fun Raise<String>.failure(): Int = raise("failure")

  block = { failure() },
  recover = { -1 }
) shouldBe -1
Here is the PR showing the alignment in the API and type argument names. https://github.com/arrow-kt/arrow/pull/2987 We followed naming from Kotlin Std which uses
for such lambda parameters.
Thanks, it compiles now 🙂 (I like to use explicit parameter names where multiple parameters are of function types, it is more readable IMO.)
My pleasure, sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for using and supporting us by using
and providing feedback 🙌