`ModalBottomSheet` is now forced to a maximum widt...
# compose
is now forced to a maximum width of 640dp in Compose Material 1.4.0? What is the reason for this? Why not let the users of the libraries decide sizes of components? Now we have to duplicate code around
, only for the reason to be able to set our own width 😞
sad panda 3
Material libraries are highly opinionated and leave little place to move outside the official design. (And Bottomsheet still do not properly handle edge to edge). But at least with m2 you can easily copy paste and adapt. With M3 and everything private / internal it's just nearly impossible and you basically need to write your own.
We follow design guidance and provide opinionated components. There is a feature request to be able to customize this but we are currently working on other high-priority items. Tolriq - we hear you and are working on improving this, especially around Swipeable. We know it's painful atm
Thanks 🙂 (And the token access system too is problematic)