# feed
https://terrakok.github.io/Compose-Multiplatform-Wizard/ Who wants to make something awesome like @xxfast 's NYTimes-KMP application for all platforms but doesn't know how to start? πŸ˜‰ There is only one click to generate new multiplatform project with all needed libraries for you!
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Very nice tool! I tried a sample project including
, for all platforms, but in the produced project the
driver was added as dependency for all platform except JS.
Copy code
val jsMain by getting {
            dependencies {
I will fix it today evening, thank you!
Thanks @Konstantin Tskhovrebov
hi all, I just started with KMM and thanks for the tool to generate multi package. I was able to run successfully the Browser and IOS versions, but got errors in Android and Desktop. Thanks in advance for any pointers. 'composeAppcompileDebugKotlinAndroid' 'composeAppcompileKotlinDesktop'
I will check it later. you can try to install java 8 if you didn't already
thank you @Konstantin Tskhovrebov, I'll switch to Java 8, I currently have these versions: ➀ Java (openjdk version "19.0.2" 2023-01-17) ➀ JAVA_HOME: /opt/homebrew/opt/openjdk ➀ Android Studio (AI-221.6008.13.2211.9619390) Bundled Java: openjdk 11.0.15 2022-04-19 Kotlin Plugin: 221-1.8.0-release-for-android-studio-AS5591.52 Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Plugin: 0.5.2(221)-9 ➀ Xcode (14.2) i Xcode JAVA_HOME: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/openjdk/19.0.2/libexec/openjdk.jdk/Contents/Home ➀ ruby (ruby 3.2.1 (2023-02-08 revision 31819e82c8) [arm64-darwin22]) ➀ ruby gems (3.4.6) ➀ cocoapods (1.12.0)
You don't have to switch but just install it somewhere
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I added an info about JDK 8 to the generated readme file. And made some clean up of configs πŸŽ‰
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I fixed it. now it should work with any jdk
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So guys this all stable right excluding compose for ios ?
web is experimental as well
I should add statuses badges, do you think?
Yea would love that ❀️
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is the iOS UI already in compose as well? or SwiftUI?
thanks again @Konstantin Tskhovrebov, first time I was able to run Android, iOS, Desktop and Web at the same time, it was surreal!
I added autodetect Dark mode and statuses for compose targets
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Check the new version! I added an optional versions preview πŸ“ and a link to Compose documentation ✏️ Also I refactored UI little bit 🎨 and updated all libraries and plugins versions ⬆️ https://terrakok.github.io/Compose-Multiplatform-Wizard/
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