I did a basic kermit setup on a brand new KMM app ...
# touchlab-tools
I did a basic kermit setup on a brand new KMM app (created from Android Studio). I put a simple debug log message in the common source:
Logger.d(tag = "TEST_TAG") { "Log from common code" }
the log message shows up fine when I run the iOS app. But it does NOT show up in the Android App’s LogCat?? If I change to
… the message does show up. I do NOT have any logcat filtering turned on, and I can see other Debug level log messages in LogCat. Am I doing something wrong, or making a rookie mistake of some kind?
Our default config reads
to determine whether to log. I think by default that returns true for
and above,
ah ha! Yeah I believe that is how
works by default. thanks @russhwolf!