Hi - has anyone encountered this issue in their pr...
# compose-android
Hi - has anyone encountered this issue in their project? We're in the final stretch of fully migrating to Compose, but noticed that ComposeView is causing our components to get leaked: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/240975572 It seems to be reported 6 months ago with few samples to reproduce, but there was no progress update ever since
Hi! Just left a comment on the issue with a potential workaround, we are looking into solving this problem
Thank you @shikasd, I really appreciate it and I bet everyone else in that thread does too! I am seeing it getting leaked with just a single Activity and multiple fragments. The activity never gets backgrounded nor recreated in my case. I just swap those fragments around. Is it possible that this might still be the same issue?
Not really, unless you do something with a custom recomposer By default, we create a single recomposer per window (essentially per activity), so it could be something else
Do you have a heap dump / repro for that?
I cannot share a repro right now but I do have some heap dumps. I will share them through a DM in around an hour
Consider filing a bug/attaching to the ticket above as well 🙂
Didn't read very closely, but its good to be aware that if you're not certain it's this exact leak, there's at least one other occurring on some api levels between 1.3.0-beta01 to 1.4.??
It is likely to be unrelated to compose from looking at the heap dump