I'm trying to create an annotation in which i want...
# ksp
I'm trying to create an annotation in which i want to pass an array of "other" annotations, but i don't know types of those ahead. Basically i want user to pass whatever annotations they want there. From docs i read that i can use other annotations as a parameter of annotation. I can do
annotation class MyAnnotation(val list: Array<OtherKnownAnnotation>)
. There is a interface called
that is
Base interface implicitly implemented by all annotation interfaces.
. So i tried to do
annotation class MyAnnotation(val list: Array<Annotation>)
. This unfortunately gives me an error
Invalid type of annotation member
. Can i work around this? Anybody had a usecase like this?
Maybe i can expand on what i want to achieve. My annotation will be applied to interface. I want to generate class that implements that interface and have the annotation passed by the user applied. So if user wants the implementation to be injected for example in koin he could annotate the interface like:
@MyAnnotation(list = [Single(binds = [UserType::class])])
. Is that even possible? 🙂
I don’t believe that’s possible. Could you do what you’re trying to do differently by using multiple annotations, e.g:
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@Single(binds = [UserType::class])
unfortunately not, since
works only on classes and not interfaces ;/
that's the main limitation i want to get over
even if i could get around the limitation of application to interface - the koin would then just outright crash the ksp process since i cannot apply
to classes that cannot be create (so doing abstract class instead of interface results in an error from koin that it cannot create an instance of abstract class. So it's more like i need to defer the processing of the original annotation to the next step - after my implementation is generated
Is it a fixed known set of annotations you need to process? E.g. is it “just”
from Koin?
the goal is to accept anything that can be applied to class. But i could keep some known set and just make it bigger. But i don't see w way to handle that either
i still need some common abstraction to accept the list
I see. I don't believe there's any way to have annotations through abstraction, at least not while providing arguments for its parameters. You could definitely do something to support Koin's annotations functionality explicitly, but I don't believe supporting arbitrary annotations is possible
That's a shame, i was hoping that this might be possible since the
is the implicit interface of all annotations ;/
While that path is not possible, there is an alternative way you can achieve what you're trying to achieve. Assuming you have your annotation
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annotation class MyAnnotation
You can introduce another annotation
like this:
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annotation class Annotate(
    val annotation: KClass<*>,
    val members: Array<Member> = [],
And a third annotation e.g.
like this:
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annotation class Member(
    val name: String,
    val value: String,
    val types: Array<KClass<*>> = []
You can use it like this:
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    annotation = Single::class,
    members = [
        Member("binds", "[%T]", [UserType::class]),
interface FooBar
Then in your symbol processor you can find all types with your annotation
and find all that type's
annotations, then, using KotlinPoet you can create an
like so:
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fun Annotate.toAnnotationSpec(): AnnotationSpec {
    val type = annotation.asClassName()
    val builder = AnnotationSpec.builder(type)
    members.forEach { builder.addMember("${it.name} = ${it.value}", *it.types) }
    return builder.build()
By doing this you're asking your users to declare annotations in a way that's friendly to KSP and KotlinPoet, but it will definitely work 🙂
while it is really clever and fun to implement, i think asking users to do that i too much
And it's not really typesafe anymore, so here goes the advantage of annotations 🙂
While not type-safe in the IDE, it will effectively be type-safe since Kotlin will compile your generated code and if the generated code is invalid or not type-safe, the compilation will fail 🙂. You can also run your own type checks in your symbol processor to provide clear compilation errors to the user
But I agree that it's asking a bit much from users. If your symbol processor ends up solving a big burden for a user, they may well think it's worth it