Has anyone tried using the new react router wrappe...
# javascript
Has anyone tried using the new react router wrapper with the legacy compiler? It compiles, but if I used "Component" in createRouter, I got an error saying no Component or element specified. Now that I have switched to IR, the problem goes away. I think whilst the legacy compiler is deprecated, but not removed, if its not supported it should provide some kind of compiler error or something in the README.
Breaking change already described Now we support IR only
👍 1
Great - I had tried using 522 and 511 (the version that I saw at the time that was used in the MUI showcase)
Hi @turansky - there is a contradictory description on the front page README: https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin-wrappers#experimental-ir-backend "Experimental IR Backend" - not experimental anymore... mandatory now...
Maybe this should be changed to note that only the IR compiler is supported?