suppose i have the following interface and impleme...
# serialization
suppose i have the following interface and implementation
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interface XY {
  val x: Int,
  val y: Int

data class Point(
  override val x: Int,
  override val y: Int
) : XY
a) How do I mark
as serializable and that it should use
during serialization? b) Suppose I have a class Vehicle
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class Car(
  val position: XY
How do I mark
to use
as it's serializer? c) Suppose I have a class
like so
Copy code
data class Point3(
  override val x: Int,
  override val y: Int,
  val x: Int = 0
) : XY
How do I mark
in part (b) of the question to use
as it's serialzer?
By coincidence, I was just going to ask something very similar, so I will add it here. If I define serial names for the interface properties inside that interface, will it also be used everywhere where those properties are overwritten? Example:
Copy code
interface Hashable {
    val hash: String

data class Entity(val id: Int, override val hash: String): Hashable
@andylamax There seem to be an example for interfaces. I would guess there is not a way to centrally define serializer for the interface, but I think this might work
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interface XY {
    val x: Int
    val y: Int

object XYSerializer : KSerializer<XY> {
    override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor
        get() = //TODO
    override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): XY {
    override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: XY) {

data class Car(
    @Serializable(with = XYSerializer::class)
    val position: XY
I am aware of custom serializers, i am just curious if I could use a compiler generated serializer without having to explicitly write a custom one myself
Your option c) is very error prone. Point3 has more information than XY so if you go that route, it will always crash if XY isn’t Point3.
Regarding your question, you would use a serializers module:
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fun main() {
  val json = Json {
    serializersModule = SerializersModule {
      polymorphic(XY::class, Point::class, Point.serializer())
  println(json.encodeToString(Car.serializer(), Car(Point(42, 24))))
If you don’t want to register a custom serializer you can use delegation:
Though that’s error prone now because once XY is not a Point it will crash
So at some point you need to do a manual step to be safe against that:
Copy code
object XYSerializer : KSerializer<XY> {
  override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): XY = Point.serializer().deserialize(decoder)
  override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = Point.serializer().descriptor
  override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: XY) {
    encoder.encodeSerializableValue(Point.serializer(), Point(value.x, value.y))
Your option c) is very error prone. Point3 has more information than XY so if you go that route, it will always crash if XY isn’t Point3.
How will it crash? I though
has a default z argument. and it will always be an instance of XY
The custom serializer you posted is a testament that
can be purely serialized with
. What I am asking now is, "Is there a current way to tell the compiler to just go ahead and use `Point.serializer()`" to Serialize
Instead of having to write this custom serializer down?. In better terms, the compiler has already generated a serializer that can easily serialize and deserialize XY, it feels like there should be an easier way to tell it, "for this particular case, go ahead and use this other serializer you have already generated". This might not be a currently available feature. But there sure is a use case for it