```Hello Everyone I have this checkbox working for...
# react
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Hello Everyone I have this checkbox working for select all. But the individual ones don't click. How do I fix it?        

         Box {
            Checkbox {
                onChange = { _, checked ->
                    checkAll = checked

                    console.log(selectedChecksState.forEach { a -> console.log(a) })
                    +"You have selected $selectedChecksState"
            Typography {
                variant = TypographyVariant.button
                +"Select All?"
        Box {
            for (item in <http://Title.ET|Title.ET>) {
                Box {
                    Checkbox {
                        checked = checkAll

                        onChange = { _, checked ->
                            if (checked) {
                            } else if (!checked && selectedChecksState.isNotEmpty())

                            console.log(selectedChecksState.forEach { a -> console.log(a) })
                            +"You have selected $selectedChecksState"
All of your Checkboxes are showing the same state
. Looks like thats not the behavior you want. Try giving every Checkbox its own individual state
I tried but it's not working
they are interdependant of one another
what exactly did you try?
I tried checking in the for loop if checked is true
I tried creating an additional state
I don't understand why I can't have onClick instead of onChange
why does that checkbox run if I don't click it
The for loop creates a checkbox for each string
Can you provide an example please
I am currently tied in something else, shifting focus to help you debug your code will derail me at the moment
ok no problem. If you can provide any direction or guidance I'll greatly appreciate it.
Thanks again.