Has anyone had issues with compose being extremely...
# compose-desktop
Has anyone had issues with compose being extremely slow on some users? Its a relatively simple app
on windows 7, specifically
You mean it is slow for some and OK for others?
yep slow to the point its unusable double checking wether its w7 tho
Then dunno 🙂 I've had stories with performance but not is such case
My first guess would be that those users do not have a compatible graphics card/driver/whatever, and Skiko is falling back to the CPU-based renderer
@Lucas A user had this issue on Windows 10. Compose/Skiko complained that it couldn't use DirectX 12 on the PC, so it switched to OpenGL. Asking them to force software rendering instead fixed the slowness. (How to)
They should see
Failed to create DirectX12 device.
when running from a command prompt