Hi to all. I'm experimenting Compose for Ios and I...
# compose-ios
Hi to all. I'm experimenting Compose for Ios and I would like to know, is there a way to achieve real time WindowSize just like the android composable like this:
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private fun Activity.rememberWindowSize(): WindowSize {
    val configuration = LocalConfiguration.current
    val windowMetrics = remember(configuration) {
    val windowDpSize = with(LocalDensity.current) {
    return WindowSize.basedOnWidth(windowDpSize.width)
? Thanks in advance.
LocalUIViewController - is a Composition Local you can use to access the UIViewController. Then you can get UIView from it and its frame.
Great!!! Thank you
But when I'm trying to access in iosMain in shared module, then using UIViewController.current.view.frame that frame has only variable: align and size So How can I get height and width through that? e.x. : it doesn't work like width and height
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actual fun getScreenDimensions(): Pair<Int, Int> {
    val config = LocalUIViewController.current.view().frame
    return Pair(config.size, config.align)
Did you ever figure this out? I need screen dimensions as well for the iOS side