The <compose releases page> no longer contains any...
# compose
The compose releases page no longer contains any useful information about what's changed from one version to another. If I'm upgrading my BOM version, where can I find a changelog of what's new in recent versions (mainly for breaking changes or behavior changes)?
🧵 1
if you hang around this channel you'll see @Colton Idle's changelog aggregations after compose releases, e.g.;cid=CJLTWPH7S
BOM has new versions pulling in groups of new releases - it's all pretty easy if you're keeping up with the latest, you only need to consult the mapping if you're looking at earlier versions
but the bom to library version mapping doesn't include aggregated release notes, so I still have to check the release notes for each individual compose library associated with the new bom mapping?
yes, hasn't that always been true?
I thought the main compose releases page used to have the full release notes but maybe I'm mistaken. Either way it would be nice to have aggregated release notes for each BOM version somewhere
I think you're mistaken. A full release notes page has never been available (AFAIK). I post here every two weeks after reviewing changelogs and git commits. lol
I'll keep an eye out for your posts then, thanks!