What's the difference between DataSource and Repos...
# android-architecture
What's the difference between DataSource and Repository?
Repository modules handle data operations. They provide a clean API so that the rest of the app can retrieve this data easily. They know where to get the data from and what API calls to make when data is updated. You can consider repositories to be mediators between different data sources, such as persistent models, web services, and caches.
Repository can have Preference or DB, right? For example,
Copy code
    val service: SchoolService,
    val roomDatabase: RoomDataBaseRepository,
    val preference: PreferenceRepsitory
) {
    suspend fun fetchStudentList() : Result<List<Student>> {
        val response = service.fetchStudentList()
        if(response.isSuccessful) { return Result.success(response.body) }
        else {
             val year = preference.getClassYear()
             val cache = roomDatabase.getStudents(year)
             return Result.success(cache)
Yes, I think so đź‘Ť
ChatGPT says: In the context of software development, the terms “DataSource” and “Repository” refer to different concepts related to data access and storage. Although their exact definitions may vary depending on the specific architectural patterns or frameworks being used, I can provide you with a general understanding of these terms. 1. DataSource: A DataSource typically represents a low-level interface or component responsible for managing the physical connection and communication with a specific data storage system. It encapsulates the details of interacting with a particular database, file system, web service, or any other data source. The primary purpose of a DataSource is to establish a connection, execute queries or commands, and retrieve or persist data. It often involves handling aspects like authentication, network communication, and query optimization. 2. Repository: A Repository, on the other hand, is a higher-level abstraction that acts as an intermediary between the data sources and the application’s business logic. It provides a set of well-defined methods or interfaces that define the operations that can be performed on the data. The Repository pattern aims to encapsulate the data access logic and provide a uniform interface for accessing and manipulating data, regardless of the underlying data sources. The key difference between DataSource and Repository lies in their levels of abstraction and responsibilities. While a DataSource deals with the low-level details of connecting and interacting with a specific data source, a Repository focuses on providing a higher-level, domain-specific interface for working with data. The Repository abstracts away the implementation details of data retrieval and persistence, enabling the application to work with different data sources or switch between them without affecting the business logic. In some architectures, a Repository may internally use one or more DataSources to fulfill its responsibilities. The Repository acts as a mediator or orchestrator, coordinating the data access operations across multiple DataSources if needed. This allows for separation of concerns and promotes modularity, making it easier to test, maintain, and evolve the application’s data access layer.
TLDR is in Bold.
I suggest doing this way.