It looks like it's also an example app? I'm lookin...
# http4k
It looks like it's also an example app? I'm looking for one where the framework was chosen to support the use case, rather than demonstrating the framework being the use case, if you see what I mean. Ideally with some new feature requests in the issues.
This is by no means representable, but I did choose http4k because (for me) it was the easiest way to get a small scheduled lambda working on AWS: repo. For me, it’s actually solving a need, so just not an example. Though it’s the wrong place to look out for if you want to see issues and discussions.
It is an example app, but http4k wasn’t the point, and I did raise at least one PR based on its needs
I feel like most of the non-example usages are going to be proprietary 🤔
Probably! Looking for a unicorn.
@Rob Elliot I'm curious as to what you're after. Is it that you want to see something on a larger scale, something with all types of testing? The "use case" for any application isn't the choice of library - any web library will do JSON on a Rest API! Are you looking to choose a kotlin-based backend - in which case I'd recommend doing a few spikes in various things and choosing what you like the most! I'd recommend avoid going all in on anything until you're sure you can reverse out if it goes wrong. And beware any library which has such a lockin from the start. If you do something like hexagonal architecture, you should be able to switch out the web layer with not too much effort. 🙂 If you'll allow me to do a bit of a sales job.. 😉 When we work with companies to implement platforms on top of http4k, the reasons that they have chosen it are because of the developer experience, the portability of the code (run it the same in-memory, on a server, on serverless, in graal), the amount of integrations, the simplicity and the strong focus on testing. This last one is very important to us and is why the project has such a strong focus on that in particular. </end>
I'm not choosing a framework, I'm looking for a real missing feature to implement on a real project to use as an exercise. I'd like it to be an open source project so there are no issues about forking it. I'd like the project to be http4k based as I've already decided it's the simplest HTTP framework in kotlin. It's no biggie, I can just take one of the many open source example projects and try and make up a feature request of my own, it would just require less imagination & work to use a real one 🙂.
Well, in that case, I have a todo list application that runs on Lambda. Just strip out the garbage spring/ktor/golang variants. One feature it's missing is the ability to re-order items in a list. The UI is done with flutter:
Ah, I misinterpreted Ideally with some new feature requests in the issues. In which case my Gilded Rose app may be perfect for you. I’m in the process of adding delete items, and would be really interested to see how someone else approaches it. If you were up for it we could then compare approaches on my channel
Cool, thanks both, I'll have a look