Anybody who tried getting a Bitmap from Composable...
# android
Anybody who tried getting a Bitmap from Composable View?
Try searching in #compose and #compose-android . The question was asked a lot of times already.
☝️ 1
From what I remember, the best way on Android is to put your compose content in a ComposeView inside an AndroidView, then use the old Android View way of getting a bitmap. Google will have examples of this.
Non-Android has ImageComposeScene, which will get you a Compose Image directly.
Without something like it’s kinda PITA
@Landry Norris Using AndroidView doesn't sound good to me. I will research about ImageComposeScene. Thanks. @fitermay Can any Compose View such as TextField can be converted to Bitmap using Coil? it seems like it is only for image loading.
ImageComposeScene isn't available on Android. It's on the other platforms