Anyone is able to run XCTest on xcode 14.3? Our ap...
# multiplatform
Anyone is able to run XCTest on xcode 14.3? Our app need to proj need to run in Rosetta mode, since 14.3 the mode was moved from the app info to the Product -> Destination. App is running fine on Rosetta simulator and on real device, Tests are running only on real device or via cli when adding
to destination, wasnt able to force the test to run on x86_64 arch in xcode even when Rosetta simulator is selected. (no issue on 14.2)
Copy code
xcodebuild \
  -workspace iosApp.xcworkspace \
  -sdk iphonesimulator \
  -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 12 Pro,OS=16.4,arch=x86_64' \