I’m having an intern starting on Monday that will ...
# webassembly
I’m having an intern starting on Monday that will make a static/straightforward website with websasembly for a blockchain because I am curious about how this is panning out. My intern is a total noob. Where should she start? Are there any tutorials, templates, or demos, or is it just too early for this whole endeavor? Do you think I should tell her to use React instead?
Neither. I would start with Compose for Web (JS). Only because it has feature parity with eventual WASM, while being mature enough to actually develop with. Despite the understandable WASM buzz here, it has many roadblocks at present. I would not expose anyone inexperienced to these, you don't want to crush their will(!)
Yes this is the near future vision JB are keen to instil, but the JS target is, at least for this brief moment, equally supportive, working and trivially converted to Wasm later.
Hmmkay. Is there a template with the JS target?
Look up falling-balls-mpp
I can't comment having never used Kobweb, but I think it has a channel here you can ask in.
Ouu, #kobweb?
Seems so
The old Compose for Web was recently renamed to Compose HTML. I've found it very confusing, and has made things very difficult to search for 😞 But there are some examples here to help get going with: https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform/tree/master/tutorials/HTML