Can we have an ETA on Ktor 2.3.2? This is blocking...
# ktor
Can we have an ETA on Ktor 2.3.2? This is blocking a bunch of people
👍🏻 1
Hey @ribesg, it’s planned for the last week of June. If you need the build from
with current version, you can use our eap: with version
🙏 1
Well the issue occurs when producing release artifacts, and I don't feel confident releasing with an eap dependency
Sure, understand. Just in case, we don’t remove or drop the EAP builds so it’s safe to use it if you need to verify fix
The eap releases are probably stable enough, it's just that I would need to temporarily configure an EAP repository on a bunch of different projects/libraries which I would need to then release etc… It's just that due to the nature of the issue, which only arise when all work is done and ready to ship as it only fails in a release step, it's a bit frustrating to have everything ready and it just doesn't build 😛
Ditto, waiting on same fix. I do wish JB would work on synchronizing some of their most popular libraries to keep things in closer sync. New Kotlin, wait for Compose, wait for Ktor, wait for coroutines, wait for serialization, etc.