Assuming I have an interface like this that is par...
# library-development
Assuming I have an interface like this that is part of my public API:
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interface SomeInterface {
  fun function1(param1: Param1)
  fun function2(param2: Param2)
Can I somewhat evolve it without having to introduce a new interface name?
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// Can I evolve it into somthing like this?
interface SomeInterface {
  fun function3(param3: Param3)
  fun function4(param4: Param4)
Maybe using default methods? Or do I need to deprecate and find a new name?
Depending on your use case, yes you can evolve it like that But that is highly dependent to how the current functions relate to the old ones. I would deprecate the old ones and add new ones
You'd be breaking implementation compatibility in all cases. That's where abstract classes might prove more stable I think, if you're careful and use open functions for new ones.
I would deprecate the old ones and add new ones
How would that work? If I do this:
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interface SomeInterface {
  @Deprecated("implement function3 instead")
  fun function1(param1: Param1)
  @Deprecated("implement function4 instead")
  fun function2(param2: Param2)
  fun function3(param3: Param3)
  fun function4(param4: Param4)
Then all the implementers now need to implement all 4 functions which isn't great
This is where I was thinking default methods could be useful...
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interface SomeInterface {
  @Deprecated("implement function3 instead", DeprecationLevel.Error)
  fun function1(param1: Param1) = error("implement function3 instead")
  @Deprecated("implement function4 instead")
  fun function2(param2: Param2) = error("implement function4 instead")
  fun function3(param3: Param3)
  fun function4(param4: Param4)
But I'm not 100% sure this works
There's no way to not break things without introducing another interface I believe, since you're changing the types
I'm ok with "progressive breaking"
If there is a deprecation period
But yea, not 100% sure
Would that mean breaking things multiple times?
Is binary compatibility a big concern, or is only source compatibility an issue? Or maybe even this isn't if there are migration facilities (with ReplaceWith or friends)?
Is binary compatibility a big concern, or is only source compatibility an issue?
At this point, I'm not 100% sure, I was mainly asking here in case there's a general admitted way to solve this issue. I'll dig
Is it for Apollo Kotlin generated code?
It's for Apollo Kotlin Adapter interface
We have this
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  fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters): T
is actually not needed as a parameter
Do other libraries rely on that interface, either by calling it, or implementing it? Or is it purely in application code?
I think I'd do a search on GitHub using the import
I'd like to remove
without making it too painful to upgrade
binary breaking is probably ok for a major release
But I'd like to provide a hint to users what changes to do
Ideally an error if anyone implements
fun fromJson(reader: JsonReader, customScalarAdapters: CustomScalarAdapters): T
telling them to remove the last parameter
You might hack around using an extension
A deprecated extension
But having it imported by default might be the challenge
I'd try putting it in the companion object
The thing it's about implementing, not using it. Kotlinc doesn't complain when trying to implement a deprecated symbol
This compiles fine:
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interface SomeInterface {
  @Deprecated("use function3 ", level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)
  fun function1(param1: Int): Int = error("implement function3 instead")

class A: SomeInterface {
  override fun function1(param1: Int): Int {
    return 9
A solution is changing it to an abstract class, and making the deprecated function open
But people will need to call the constructor
So, 2 breakages