Looking at <this issue> that is a fix for <not bei...
# compose-desktop
Looking at this issue that is a fix for not being able to run Compose desktop apps from inside IntelliJ (editor gutter or run configurations dropdown). What does “A Kotlin Gradle Plugin 1.9.0-RC or higher is required” mean? That we need to wait until Kotlin 1.9.0 is out, and then wait until core Compose “catches up” with Kotlin 1.9.0, and then wait until Compose Multiplatform catches up with core Compose? That can be months? @Sebastian Sellmair [JB]
Sorry I am on vacation so my answer will be sparse. The proper fix will require support in newer KGP versions. However in the ticket should iirc be described how to opt out the new dependency resolution and restore the old behavior. Also Kotlin 1.8.10 is supposed to work as well. Please talk to the compose team as well as your project team to figure out which option fits your needs best.
I don’t have a project team. Registering a task as proposed in the “Immediate solutions” does not work
Have you considered staying on 1.8.10 until 1.9 works for you? Second option: find the Gradle property that disables new res cc @stanislav.erokhin (maybe you could quickly post the property here?)
Here is the issue (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KTIJ-25644) and here is the property that could help you (as temporary workaround):
Copy code
But since
this bug should be fixed
And basically you will be able to remove this line
Copy code
Once compose MPP cath up with 1.9.0-RC and you migrates to kotlin gradle plugin
I set
already. And the name main vs desktopMain doesn’t matter, since it fails on both:
Ah, this whole block is not needed. Just the
line works for me