Hi guys, i have created an kmm library in existing...
# multiplatform
Hi guys, i have created an kmm library in existing project , now i want to add some assets file in iosmain how can i do that and what folder i need to create . thanks in advance.
Look into moko-resources
already looked into it i want to load html files in webview we cant do that with moko
that is why i need to add assets for ios specifically
I get that, and you can do it with moko resources
how can i load html file in webview with for both the platform can you suggest something
i have a folder that contains html and js folder inside it html file has path to js , its seems to be not possible with moko to load html file and js with it
You can access individual files via moko-resources. From there, you can write them to some tmp dir on device and recreate your folder structure
my folder structure is like this myfolder-->sampl.html |-->js folder |-->css folder the problem is how can i traverse through dinamically to this folder so i can copy that in device storage
You can't directly. You could generate some index.xml file that lists out the folder tree from gradle and then use that from code to do traversal
good point thanks
i can try tha
to copy file i can use okio but honestly its docs are complex as well as its github sample
where to start where to code difficult to figure it out
if any resource for this you have please share
I haven't used moko resources before actually. Just reading through their gh readme as you are.
Thanks anyway